Hydraulic floors for bathrooms

Modern bathroom tiles

Even if until now you have not found the aesthetic and decorative potential of your bathroom, we have good news for you! Because you can take great advantage of this environment through the application of new techniques such as bathroom and wall coverings with super new materials that are trending this spring, the use of decorative objects of the latest fashion or the total change that involves the installation and choice of tiles for your bathroom.

Brightens up your bathroom

Before any reform, it is essential to analyze the structural conditions and luminosity of the room, which will be decisive for the proper choice of aesthetics and functionality.

In bathrooms with very small dimensions and minimum luminosity, light-colored tiles should be chosen so as not to consume too much light and darken the room.

On the contrary, if we have space, the chances are varied and infinite since it is possible to apply colors in all ranges. Do not forget to find a balance with the rest of the furniture!

In narrow bathrooms you can use dark tiles for the floors like our patchwork white and combine them with all-white walls.

The result will be a feeling of spaciousness! If the ceilings are too low, the vertical tiles will greatly enhance the height and spaciousness of the room.

Bring style with our designs

Hand in hand with the functionality, optimization, and beauty that we seek to generate in this space, appears the decorative style, as it is a decisive factor when looking for the right tile design to generate balance and continuity with the rest of the rooms in the home.

There are countless styles for old rustic bathrooms that still have validity, and many others that emerge every year as new proposals and interests of designers and lovers of fashion and avant-garde. Whichever style predominates in your home, you will have to continue it or link it to this room.

Of course, if you dare and want to play with textures, colors and designs, it will be welcome! As long as you consider the brightness and size of the room, it is also valid to turn it into an environment totally unrelated to the rest of the house. You will surely feel like a great interior designer, and you will make everyone notice it!

Quality & Resistance

There are different types of bathroom tiles that have different characteristics. In the market you will find those that are composed of ceramic, glass, porcelain, or stone. The quality of each of them is very different as well as the resistance they offer over the years.

For this reason, having the right advice and acquiring high quality floors offered by renowned companies is essential to obtain a guarantee in the purchase.

In Torra Mosaics we have been working for several years in the creation of its non-slip and high quality system that can be applied to any hydraulic tile without losing the beauty, elegance and safety guarantee. These are extremely safe floors, guaranteed as class 3.

This system called Stone transforms the smooth tile into a rough texture that protects against possible falls that many floors cannot avoid. This is an ideal option for using the same tiles for bathrooms!

Size of hydraulic tiles for bathroom

The bathroom is one of the places in the home where mosaics and tiles have to be placed, since humidity is, without a doubt, a big problem. The fantastic thing about bathrooms is that they come in various sizes, for which you can opt for these 3 options that I will mention. Let’s go ahead with the options.

3 Examples of Hydraulic Bathroom Flooring + 10 EXTRA IDEAS

Here are some bathroom designs with Torra cement tiles. They are a delight. We show you some ideas to encourage you to change your bathroom with cement tiles:

Modern Bathroom with cement Tile Lines
Montjuïc Bathroom, spectacular floor with cement tiles
Minimalist bathroom Gaudí, minimalist and functional

13 Cement Tile Ideas for Bathrooms

The bathroom mosaics give a lot of play when it comes to bring a different touch to this room. Combination of colors, shapes, and even drawings that will bring a personal and innovative touch, transforming the bathroom into an original and above all very creative corner.

1. Chromatic ranges
Use different shades within the same chromatic range to delimit spaces. The colors in softer shades for walls and more intense for baseboards or bathtubs. Combine different color ranges in different intensities to create an original space.

2. Furniture mosaics cement tile
Decorating bathroom furniture with mosaics is one of the most original alternatives to create new designs. Create patterns in the bathtub or combine bathroom mosaics of different colors in the sink to give them a new style.

3. Stone mosaics cement tiles
Use innovative stone mosaic tiles to give a new perspective to your bathroom walls. Combine stone with single-color bathroom mosaic tiles to create new moods.

4. Crystals mosaics cement tiles
Mosaics with crystals are one of the latest trends in bathroom decoration. Small multicolored crystals will fill the bathroom with light and sparkles.

5. Inspirational paintings

A special picture can become the perfect decoration for a bathroom wall. By combining different colors of bathroom mosaic tiles, it is possible to create landscapes, portraits as well as any inspirational or special photographs.

6. Borders
If you opt for a simpler design, creating borders with mosaics is a good way to add a small decorative touch, but in a minimalist style.

7. Geometric figures
Bet on the creation of geometric shapes to decorate the bathroom. Square rectangles and circles of different colors will serve to create a new and original decoration.

8. Three-dimensional patterns

By placing a modern Barcelona style hydraulic mosaic tile, not only does it give a very elegant look to the bathroom floor, but it is also entertaining to look at during the time you are inside the bathroom. With the right color and design, you can even make this space look larger than it really is, which is very beneficial in small spaces.

9. Avant-garde styling with hexagonal cement tiles

Hexagonal cement tiles can include textures that, with the right shade, can make any place look extremely elegant and beautiful, plus their hexagonal shape gives them a unique and edgy decorative touch, resulting in an excellent choice for bathroom floors.

10. Random patterns

Cement tiles give the possibility to choose different tiles at random, which helps to give a rustic and fun look to any bathroom, this looks especially good if the bathroom is light colored, as the colors of the different hydraulic tiles will completely stand out in this decorative style.

11. Classic style

This classic decoration style consists of looking for common decoration tools, where romantic, pastel, light colors abound, which combine perfectly with the sanitary ware. In addition, it is recommended to use simple faucets, of moderate size and matte metal, so that the mosaic can be located both on the floor and on the wall or just place a mosaic border.

12. Minimalist style

The minimalist style consists of placing the mosaic exclusively on the floor without making coating on the walls, the mosaic should be dark colors, even black is the ideal color, accompanied by white sanitary ware with faucets and small metal faucets of bright and shiny metal, the idea is that the faucets stand out obviously as decorative pieces of the bathroom.

13. Bathrooms with avant-garde style mosaic tiles

This is the modern style of bathroom, the mosaic can be placed both on the floor and to cover a single wall of the bathroom. If the mosaic is on the floor, it should be in light tones and if it is on the wall, bright colors can be combined and mixed together. The faucets and taps should be elegant and made of luminous metal.

We all like our space to have a unique look and feel.

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Opinions about us

Maria Antònia Casajuana Villadelprat
Maria Antònia Casajuana Villadelprat
Les rajoles hidràliques Torra són precioses, m’agraden moltissim. Ja estan instalades. També vaig adquirit els productes Torra de neteja i impermeabilització pero encara no els hem posat. Durant el procés de compra em va atendre la Núria i es va ocupar del tot el que li demanava molt bé. Em vaig sentir escoltada i molt ben atesa. Gràcies Núria
Alberto Sanz
Alberto Sanz
Es un placer acariciar ese producto fabricado con tanto amor y dedicación. Cada una de sus baldosas vibra en humanidad, un placer y un privilegio disfrutar de productos con historia que se siguen fabricando siguiendo procesos 100% artesanos.
Julio Godoy
Julio Godoy
Excelente servicio, baldosas de cemento de primera calidad, de diseño intemporal, con consejos y productos para limpieza e impermeabilización de las mismas. Absolumente recomendable. Y Nuria, en la tienda de Barcelona es de una gentileza y amabilidad incomparables. Todo de 10 con nota. Muchas gracias !
Lucina Fearon
Lucina Fearon
Encontramos Mosaics Torra por google y qué buen encuentro. La fábrica tiene una extensa exposición y el personal un gran conocimiento de sus maravillosas baldosas hidráulicas, a cuál más bonita. Y en stock! Servicio amable y honesto. Un 10. Gracias
Des del meu punt de vista excel·lent direcció artística, i amb un tracte honest que agraeixo especialment. Feia molt que buscava un disseny hidràulic per una estància i res no em feia el pes, aquí n'he trobat molts que m'han fet dubtar fins l'últim dia! Molt content del disseny que m'he endut a casa, encara es veu millor a les mans!
Xavier Cánovas Genovés
Xavier Cánovas Genovés
Bien asesorado con un trato muy profesional y material de alta calidad. El surtido es espectacular con un servicio rapido. Volveré para próximas reformas. Gracias
Ana Vicente
Ana Vicente
Varem anar a la seva botiga del carrer Deu i Mata de Barcelona i tot fantastic, tant l’atencio rebuda de la Nuria i la Montse com del servei, i per descomptat del mosaic hidráulic, doncs vaig fer la comanda i amb 48 horas tenia tota la comanda a casa meva, cal remarcar tambe el suport tecnic que ha tingut el meu col-locador per part de la fabrica que li van ser molt utils per l’instalacio del mosaic , us passo algunes fotos de com ens ha quedat tot. Molt recomanable
laia beumala
laia beumala
Calidad excelente y servicio muy bueno. La verdad que nos ha quedado una cocina y baños muy modernos y exclusivos. Recomiendo totalmente, repetiremos
Teresa Costa
Teresa Costa
Realment estic molt contenta amb el servei ofert i el material. Hem posat el model serradet en dos tons de grisos i blancs i ens encanta. El servei ha estat ràpid i eficient. Ho recomano al 100%.

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