Resistant hydraulic cemnet tiles

Hydraulic Cement tiles for stylish kitchens

Today, kitchens with hydraulic tiles are all the rage! It may seem a decorative style too retro, but these materials combine in the spaces the decoration of yesteryear and the current design of the houses, which provides a unique comfort in the room where we spend time between recipes and pots.

Construidas de forma artesanal a base de cemento, arena y diversos pigmentos minerales, captan toda la atención de una estancia, por ello siempre es recomendable combinarlas con tonalidades neutras como el gris, beige o blanco, entre otros.

Hydraulic tile designs for kitchens

In Torra we know that craftsmanship is valuable for our customers, therefore, we elaborate one by one our hydraulic floors for kitchen with the aim of highlighting in any home environment, not only for its attractive pigmentation, but also for its quality, a value that characterizes us.

Thanks to its countless designs, one of the many characteristics of these materials is its ability to give originality to a space that, in principle, could go unnoticed. The different explosions of colors that we see in this small kitchen show the substantial change generated by the hydraulic tile. Here the tones of the furniture and walls are almost monochromatic, but the floor completely changes the style of the environment, making it fresher and more attractive!

For those who prefer a more conservative style, the black and white or gray tones provided by our Classic Victorian collection and Barcelona collection are often ideal to complement it. They are mainly chosen by lovers of modern style, as this illustrative example that combines metal furniture, wood and hydraulic tiles of traditional design that break with the rigidity of certain components and straight lines providing warmth to the space.

Although you may think that kitchens with hydraulic tiles only use these materials for their flooring, dozens of options for cladding emerge every year, like this beautiful kitchen that has combined an attractive design as a backsplash and blue tones for the storage furniture and a sink in ivory.

If you dare to take this versatile material out of context, you will discover that the impact on your home’s environments is assured. Let your imagination run wild and play with designs and colors!

At this point it is almost impossible not to highlight the strength and attractiveness that this type of material gives to floors and coverings, regardless of the decorative style of the rooms, as they always adapt to it, giving them a unique personality.

We must take into account and monitor the excessive use of colors that reign in an environment, so it is advisable to balance the spaces is to bet on ceilings and walls in neutral tones, in addition to a decoration with few details and sober furniture that accompanies and does not saturate the room too much.

A clear example is this kitchen-dining room, which has opted for white exposed brick walls, matching cabinets and a colorful hydraulic floor to counteract so much neutrality. The perfect balance!

We all like our space to have a unique look and feel.

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Opinions about us

Maria Antònia Casajuana Villadelprat
Maria Antònia Casajuana Villadelprat
Les rajoles hidràliques Torra són precioses, m’agraden moltissim. Ja estan instalades. També vaig adquirit els productes Torra de neteja i impermeabilització pero encara no els hem posat. Durant el procés de compra em va atendre la Núria i es va ocupar del tot el que li demanava molt bé. Em vaig sentir escoltada i molt ben atesa. Gràcies Núria
Alberto Sanz
Alberto Sanz
Es un placer acariciar ese producto fabricado con tanto amor y dedicación. Cada una de sus baldosas vibra en humanidad, un placer y un privilegio disfrutar de productos con historia que se siguen fabricando siguiendo procesos 100% artesanos.
Julio Godoy
Julio Godoy
Excelente servicio, baldosas de cemento de primera calidad, de diseño intemporal, con consejos y productos para limpieza e impermeabilización de las mismas. Absolumente recomendable. Y Nuria, en la tienda de Barcelona es de una gentileza y amabilidad incomparables. Todo de 10 con nota. Muchas gracias !
Lucina Fearon
Lucina Fearon
Encontramos Mosaics Torra por google y qué buen encuentro. La fábrica tiene una extensa exposición y el personal un gran conocimiento de sus maravillosas baldosas hidráulicas, a cuál más bonita. Y en stock! Servicio amable y honesto. Un 10. Gracias
Des del meu punt de vista excel·lent direcció artística, i amb un tracte honest que agraeixo especialment. Feia molt que buscava un disseny hidràulic per una estància i res no em feia el pes, aquí n'he trobat molts que m'han fet dubtar fins l'últim dia! Molt content del disseny que m'he endut a casa, encara es veu millor a les mans!
Xavier Cánovas Genovés
Xavier Cánovas Genovés
Bien asesorado con un trato muy profesional y material de alta calidad. El surtido es espectacular con un servicio rapido. Volveré para próximas reformas. Gracias
Ana Vicente
Ana Vicente
Varem anar a la seva botiga del carrer Deu i Mata de Barcelona i tot fantastic, tant l’atencio rebuda de la Nuria i la Montse com del servei, i per descomptat del mosaic hidráulic, doncs vaig fer la comanda i amb 48 horas tenia tota la comanda a casa meva, cal remarcar tambe el suport tecnic que ha tingut el meu col-locador per part de la fabrica que li van ser molt utils per l’instalacio del mosaic , us passo algunes fotos de com ens ha quedat tot. Molt recomanable
laia beumala
laia beumala
Calidad excelente y servicio muy bueno. La verdad que nos ha quedado una cocina y baños muy modernos y exclusivos. Recomiendo totalmente, repetiremos
Teresa Costa
Teresa Costa
Realment estic molt contenta amb el servei ofert i el material. Hem posat el model serradet en dos tons de grisos i blancs i ens encanta. El servei ha estat ràpid i eficient. Ho recomano al 100%.

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