Hydraulic Tile Maintenance Tips

For Proper Maintenance of Hydraulic Tiles


  • We recommend cleaning the mosaic floor with neutral soaps and water.

General Tips:

  • Hydraulic mosaic flooring is very durable and requires little maintenance, but some precautions should be taken:
    • Never use strong detergents or acids.

Maintenance of Hydraulic Flooring

Routine Care:

  • Periodically add a cap of wax to the water to maintain the optimal condition of the hydraulic mosaic floor.
  • Follow the same procedure for old floors.
  • Always use cleaning products with a neutral pH.
  • Polish the floor at least once a year.
  • Use a mop for daily maintenance.
  • Immediately clean up spills of coffee, sodas, and oils.
  • Avoid dragging furniture or metal objects across the floor.

Durability of Hydraulic Tiles

Indoor Hydraulic Tiles:

  • The durability of this type of material has always been one of its main characteristics. An indoor tile can last a lifetime, as seen in historic buildings in Barcelona with hydraulic floors over 100 years old.

Factors affecting durability include:

  • The quality of the pigments used.
  • Proper installation and the use of layers to resist liquid penetration.
  • The quality of materials; noble materials can last a lifetime, while others may need replacement every 30 years.

Outdoor Hydraulic Tiles:

  • Outdoor tiles face climatic elements such as rain, sun, and hail, leading to more wear compared to indoor tiles.
  • Color loss due to sunlight, especially blues and greens, depends on pigment quality.
  • While outdoor hydraulic tiles are less durable than indoor ones, their lifespan depends on their location and the local climate.

Extending the Lifespan of Hydraulic Tiles


  • Proper use and cleaning with suitable products can extend the life of hydraulic tiles.
  • Good waterproofing prevents stains and makes cleaning easier.
  • Professional restoration can also extend their lifespan by removing impurities and restoring shine.


  • The weight the tiles will bear; heavier weights require more robust materials.
  • Proper cleaning is crucial for long-term preservation, even though hydraulic tiles are generally low maintenance.

Hydraulic Tile Treatments

Old Tiles:

  • Over time, old hydraulic tiles lose their shine. Treating them can restore their natural beauty and protect them with a new seal.

New Tiles:

  • New hydraulic floors, especially in professional settings like restaurants or public spaces, should be treated with fine diamond packs and sealed by a professional for a matte or glossy finish, as per customer preference.

Contact Us for More Information

Fill out the form on our website to learn more about the different treatments available for both new and old hydraulic floors. Our professionals can provide tailored advice and solutions.

Additional Tips for Mosaic Hydraulic Floors

Thorough Cleaning:

  • Avoid aggressive products for deep cleaning. Use a floor cleaning machine with a neutral pH soap and a microfiber cloth or pad.


  • After installation, sealing is crucial to prevent dirt and stains from penetrating the porous surface of hydraulic tiles.

Daily Cleaning:

  • Perform regular cleaning to prevent dirt from embedding in the floor. Use a neutral pH cleaner diluted in water, applied with a mop.

Trust Your Manufacturer:

  • We offer a range of products for maintaining your hydraulic mosaic floors. Trust professionals for the best care.


For hydraulic tiles for your home or business, choose a specialized manufacturer like Mosaics Torra. We offer over 300 designs and have restored historic buildings like the Palau de la Música and Park Güell. Our tiles can be shipped anywhere in Spain, offering you a unique decorative style.

Visit us to explore our variety and quality, and find the perfect solution for your needs.

Maintenance Products for our cement Tiles


Here we present all our maintenance products, ideal for the treatment, protection and conservation of our hydraulic mosaics. TORRA SEALER: It creates a very resistant barrier by sealing all of the existing pores in the hydraulic mosaic,thus creating a superficial layer with great durability. TORRA BRITE SEALER: This has identical characteristics to the TORRA SEALER but this one will also highlight the color of the piece, giving our paving the brightest look TORRASTONE-GAUDÍ SEALER: It is the ideal product for the treatment of all our external hydraulic mosaics of our Torrastone and Gaudi Hexagon series, the Torrastone Sealer slightly enhances the tone creating a very resistant barrier. It is very important to follow the application instructions for this product that are duly indicated on each package, to achieve optimal effectiveness in the treatment of our hydraulic outdoor cement tiles. TORRA WAX TILE: This offers extra protection and allows for you to achieve the most distressed and brightest finish for your hydraulic mosaic TORRA FLOOR CLEANER: Ideal product for the removal of the remains of work, cement and saline efflorescence of our hydraulic floors. It is also suitable for cleaning the stains of daily use of hydraulic tiles. It can also be used for the restoration of the old hydraulic cement tile thus obtaining the power to remove these hydraulic pavements.


Opinions about us

Maria Antònia Casajuana Villadelprat
Maria Antònia Casajuana Villadelprat
Les rajoles hidràliques Torra són precioses, m’agraden moltissim. Ja estan instalades. També vaig adquirit els productes Torra de neteja i impermeabilització pero encara no els hem posat. Durant el procés de compra em va atendre la Núria i es va ocupar del tot el que li demanava molt bé. Em vaig sentir escoltada i molt ben atesa. Gràcies Núria
Alberto Sanz
Alberto Sanz
Es un placer acariciar ese producto fabricado con tanto amor y dedicación. Cada una de sus baldosas vibra en humanidad, un placer y un privilegio disfrutar de productos con historia que se siguen fabricando siguiendo procesos 100% artesanos.
Julio Godoy
Julio Godoy
Excelente servicio, baldosas de cemento de primera calidad, de diseño intemporal, con consejos y productos para limpieza e impermeabilización de las mismas. Absolumente recomendable. Y Nuria, en la tienda de Barcelona es de una gentileza y amabilidad incomparables. Todo de 10 con nota. Muchas gracias !
Lucina Fearon
Lucina Fearon
Encontramos Mosaics Torra por google y qué buen encuentro. La fábrica tiene una extensa exposición y el personal un gran conocimiento de sus maravillosas baldosas hidráulicas, a cuál más bonita. Y en stock! Servicio amable y honesto. Un 10. Gracias
Des del meu punt de vista excel·lent direcció artística, i amb un tracte honest que agraeixo especialment. Feia molt que buscava un disseny hidràulic per una estància i res no em feia el pes, aquí n'he trobat molts que m'han fet dubtar fins l'últim dia! Molt content del disseny que m'he endut a casa, encara es veu millor a les mans!
Xavier Cánovas Genovés
Xavier Cánovas Genovés
Bien asesorado con un trato muy profesional y material de alta calidad. El surtido es espectacular con un servicio rapido. Volveré para próximas reformas. Gracias
Ana Vicente
Ana Vicente
Varem anar a la seva botiga del carrer Deu i Mata de Barcelona i tot fantastic, tant l’atencio rebuda de la Nuria i la Montse com del servei, i per descomptat del mosaic hidráulic, doncs vaig fer la comanda i amb 48 horas tenia tota la comanda a casa meva, cal remarcar tambe el suport tecnic que ha tingut el meu col-locador per part de la fabrica que li van ser molt utils per l’instalacio del mosaic , us passo algunes fotos de com ens ha quedat tot. Molt recomanable
laia beumala
laia beumala
Calidad excelente y servicio muy bueno. La verdad que nos ha quedado una cocina y baños muy modernos y exclusivos. Recomiendo totalmente, repetiremos
Teresa Costa
Teresa Costa
Realment estic molt contenta amb el servei ofert i el material. Hem posat el model serradet en dos tons de grisos i blancs i ens encanta. El servei ha estat ràpid i eficient. Ho recomano al 100%.

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