
How to protect the cement tile floor and keep it in excellent condition

Protection of Hydraulic Floors Hydraulic cement tiles are colorful mosaics that, when seen, transport our minds to ancient times, reminiscing about grandma’s house, imagining fairy tale palaces, and the grand monuments of modernism. Today, they are back in fashion because, in addition to originality and elegance, they provide a vintage look to the home without […]

Cement tiles mosaic and its history

Hydraulic cement tile has undoubtedly occupied one of the most prominent positions in decoration since its appearance. Indeed, since it arrived in the 19th century, it has never stopped being present. That is why as craftsmen specialized in hydraulic mosaic at Mosaics Torra, we want to tell you a little more about the hydraulic mosaic […]

estilo nordico

10 characteristics of the Nordic style

What is Nordic Style? Nordic style emerged in the early 20th century in countries such as Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, where the cold days of winter and their characteristic landscape have been translated into home interior decoration: furniture, ornamentation, textiles, and color palettes reflect the charm of these lands where mountains, forests, and snow reign. […]

Cement Tiles

Cement tiles and hydraulic flooring for kitchen

Did you know that hydraulic mosaic tiles for kitchens can enhance your space just the way you always wanted? In this post, you’ll find various options that can inspire you in your search for the antique hydraulic cement tile that perfectly matches the modern style of this unique environment. The Return of Hydraulic Tiles for […]

20 places where to lay Cement tiles

Hydraulic cement tile allows its use in a multitude of rooms and places since the wide range of colors and shapes it offers allows it to be successfully integrated into all kinds of environments, both indoors and outdoors. Discover 4 strategic places to place hydraulic tile and it will look amazing. Hydraulic Tile Entryway The entryway is one of the places where hydraulic […]

Trencadís: Concept, works and models

Trencadís is one of the most well-known construction techniques of Catalan modernism. In this article, we explain what it consists of, provide examples of buildings that use it, and where to buy the material. What is the trencadís technique? The term trencadís is a translation from Catalan. The most accurate Spanish translation would be “fragile,” and it refers to a […]

Tiles and antique floors

Old hydraulic floor types for the home have gained great recognition in recent years as their quality and versatility add aesthetic and artisanal value to any room that manages to preserve them. Do you know which old-fashioned floors have become fashionable? If you have decided to renovate your home with this type of materials, don’t miss […]

suelo hidraulico levantado

My floor tiles have lifted up, what do I do?

You’ve chosen your hydraulic cement tile floor; you’ve already selected from thousands of designs and materials. You lay it according to the instructions, but there comes a time of year when the hydraulic floor rises, causing aesthetic problems, and even leading to materials breaking. These are the 2 reasons why this happens, just to give you an idea. The cement tile rises, but it’s not a mystery […]

Panot Barcelona: Concept, History, and Available Models

Panots are the type of hydraulic cement tile used on the sidewalks of Barcelona. Their history is fascinating because they have inadvertently become one of the symbols of the city. When Were Panots Introduced? Panots are intimately related to the urban development of Barcelona’s Eixample. Traditionally, the city pavement used macadam stone. The problem it […]

Opinions about us

Maria Antònia Casajuana Villadelprat
Maria Antònia Casajuana Villadelprat
Les rajoles hidràliques Torra són precioses, m’agraden moltissim. Ja estan instalades. També vaig adquirit els productes Torra de neteja i impermeabilització pero encara no els hem posat. Durant el procés de compra em va atendre la Núria i es va ocupar del tot el que li demanava molt bé. Em vaig sentir escoltada i molt ben atesa. Gràcies Núria
Alberto Sanz
Alberto Sanz
Es un placer acariciar ese producto fabricado con tanto amor y dedicación. Cada una de sus baldosas vibra en humanidad, un placer y un privilegio disfrutar de productos con historia que se siguen fabricando siguiendo procesos 100% artesanos.
Julio Godoy
Julio Godoy
Excelente servicio, baldosas de cemento de primera calidad, de diseño intemporal, con consejos y productos para limpieza e impermeabilización de las mismas. Absolumente recomendable. Y Nuria, en la tienda de Barcelona es de una gentileza y amabilidad incomparables. Todo de 10 con nota. Muchas gracias !
Lucina Fearon
Lucina Fearon
Encontramos Mosaics Torra por google y qué buen encuentro. La fábrica tiene una extensa exposición y el personal un gran conocimiento de sus maravillosas baldosas hidráulicas, a cuál más bonita. Y en stock! Servicio amable y honesto. Un 10. Gracias
Des del meu punt de vista excel·lent direcció artística, i amb un tracte honest que agraeixo especialment. Feia molt que buscava un disseny hidràulic per una estància i res no em feia el pes, aquí n'he trobat molts que m'han fet dubtar fins l'últim dia! Molt content del disseny que m'he endut a casa, encara es veu millor a les mans!
Xavier Cánovas Genovés
Xavier Cánovas Genovés
Bien asesorado con un trato muy profesional y material de alta calidad. El surtido es espectacular con un servicio rapido. Volveré para próximas reformas. Gracias
Ana Vicente
Ana Vicente
Varem anar a la seva botiga del carrer Deu i Mata de Barcelona i tot fantastic, tant l’atencio rebuda de la Nuria i la Montse com del servei, i per descomptat del mosaic hidráulic, doncs vaig fer la comanda i amb 48 horas tenia tota la comanda a casa meva, cal remarcar tambe el suport tecnic que ha tingut el meu col-locador per part de la fabrica que li van ser molt utils per l’instalacio del mosaic , us passo algunes fotos de com ens ha quedat tot. Molt recomanable
laia beumala
laia beumala
Calidad excelente y servicio muy bueno. La verdad que nos ha quedado una cocina y baños muy modernos y exclusivos. Recomiendo totalmente, repetiremos
Teresa Costa
Teresa Costa
Realment estic molt contenta amb el servei ofert i el material. Hem posat el model serradet en dos tons de grisos i blancs i ens encanta. El servei ha estat ràpid i eficient. Ho recomano al 100%.

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