Cement tiles and hydraulic flooring for kitchen

May 13, 2024
Cement Tiles

Did you know that hydraulic mosaic tiles for kitchens can enhance your space just the way you always wanted? In this post, you’ll find various options that can inspire you in your search for the antique hydraulic cement tile that perfectly matches the modern style of this unique environment.

The Return of Hydraulic Tiles for Kitchens

Trends in interior decoration are constantly changing. In fact, we could say that trends are cyclical, they come and go. In every home, different spaces have their range of importance. However, in most families, the kitchen leads the ranking as it is the heart of the house: the place for gatherings and long conversations.


One of the trends for kitchens that has gained more strength is the connection of our hydraulic cement tiles to other spaces like the living room or dining room, aiming to expand this environment and give the feeling of unity with the rest of the house.

If you have a wall separating your spaces, this might be the moment to tear it down and homogenize your entire home to make it comfortable and attractive.

The kitchen usually requires the most care and excellent materials for proper maintenance of hydraulic floors. In this sense, it’s always worth investing in the kitchen to beautify and take care of it!

Some decorative elements from the past are resurfacing to draw inspiration from. Such is the case of hydraulic cemnet tiles for kitchens.

Cement tiles

These hydraulic tiles, made of pigmented cement with different tones, have become a trend thanks to their versatility, great durability and resistance, as well as the elegance and beauty they bring to any room in the house.

And as if that weren’t enough, they are materials created purely by handcraft! This provides a unique touch to the place where they are placed.

Faced with so many benefits that hydraulic mosaics provide, we can envision a resurgence of these materials both in family homes and large architectural works, bringing new and varied decoration ideas based on tradition as well as on more sophisticated trends.

Trends in hydraulic tiles for modern kitchens

Surely you already know: Hydraulic tiles adapt to any decorative style that prevails in your home! There is a multitude of models and designs of hydraulic tiles that fit perfectly in any space, completely highlighting it.

Are you thinking of renovating your kitchen? Below you’ll find tips, advice, and novelties that have been and are being imposed throughout the year. Get inspired and start revolutionizing this important environment in your home!


As we’ve mentioned, awareness for individual well-being within the home, the incorporation of natural and artisanal decoration are in vogue. As a result, lagom consciousness (“in the right measure”) is one of the keys for those who want to turn their kitchens into pleasant spaces without excessive consumerism and while respecting what’s natural.

In this style, simple decoration reigns where comfort and practicality of furniture and tones prevail. Accessories should always match the rest of the style to avoid saturating the vision and generate a sense of order and cleanliness. Wood is the privileged material.


During this autumn-winter, we will see a landscape filled with fallen leaves, rains falling on lands with red, brown, bamboo green, orange, and yellow hues. These colors are a must for the season.

When we talk about modern kitchens, we refer to an interior decoration characterized by angular lines, subtle curves, and clean lines. Regarding the materials used in this style, we can highlight glass, steel, plastic, and wood. As you can see, modernism is minimalist, and in this sense, details are minimized to the maximum!

This doesn’t mean that you can’t incorporate personalized details or ones with more personality as is often the case with hydraulic mosaics. You can easily beautify your modernist kitchen with just the right touch of elegance.

Gray and White Kitchen Mosaic Floor

In the following image, you’ll get to know a super modern kitchen where technological appliances stand out in the environment. The central island is one of the most prominent options for achieving the modern style.

To minimize the cold and distant feeling that gray and white tones can generate, the hydraulic mosaics chosen in this kitchen have completely transformed it. The result is a perfect combination with a vintage touch but without neglecting minimalism.

Cement tiles

Patchwork cement tiles for Kitchen

When it comes to minimal details, here’s a renovated space that continues the modern style without neglecting the elegance and avant-garde provided by this patchwork hydraulic mosaic rug placed in the middle of the kitchen.

patchwork cement tile

Cement tiles for Modern Kitchens

To play with combinations, it has been chosen to add part of the range of hydraulic tiles from the kitchen to one of the walls. The secret to obtaining modern environments also lies in simplicity but without losing sight of the personality we want to give to our kitchen, as is the case here.

Cement Tile for Modernist Kitchen

Decoration inspired by modernism is always functional. Furniture, decorative objects, and even kitchen appliances must be functional. In this sense, the space they occupy must have a very well-defined useful value.

Therefore, colors tend to be neutral and cool, as you can notice in these beautiful kitchens that have opted for a hydraulic floor in tune with it.

Do you already have in mind the ideal hydraulics for your kitchen? You have probably found very positive ideas to achieve your modern style in this special place in the home. And if you still haven’t decided, on our website, you can create your own artisanal hydraulic tiles choosing from our extensive categories and more than 100 colors!

The kitchen can become the balance point of your home if you incorporate these trends. Renewal is always positive! What are you waiting for to adapt your home to fashion and desire?

Opinions about us

Maria Antònia Casajuana Villadelprat
Maria Antònia Casajuana Villadelprat
Les rajoles hidràliques Torra són precioses, m’agraden moltissim. Ja estan instalades. També vaig adquirit els productes Torra de neteja i impermeabilització pero encara no els hem posat. Durant el procés de compra em va atendre la Núria i es va ocupar del tot el que li demanava molt bé. Em vaig sentir escoltada i molt ben atesa. Gràcies Núria
Alberto Sanz
Alberto Sanz
Es un placer acariciar ese producto fabricado con tanto amor y dedicación. Cada una de sus baldosas vibra en humanidad, un placer y un privilegio disfrutar de productos con historia que se siguen fabricando siguiendo procesos 100% artesanos.
Julio Godoy
Julio Godoy
Excelente servicio, baldosas de cemento de primera calidad, de diseño intemporal, con consejos y productos para limpieza e impermeabilización de las mismas. Absolumente recomendable. Y Nuria, en la tienda de Barcelona es de una gentileza y amabilidad incomparables. Todo de 10 con nota. Muchas gracias !
Lucina Fearon
Lucina Fearon
Encontramos Mosaics Torra por google y qué buen encuentro. La fábrica tiene una extensa exposición y el personal un gran conocimiento de sus maravillosas baldosas hidráulicas, a cuál más bonita. Y en stock! Servicio amable y honesto. Un 10. Gracias
Des del meu punt de vista excel·lent direcció artística, i amb un tracte honest que agraeixo especialment. Feia molt que buscava un disseny hidràulic per una estància i res no em feia el pes, aquí n'he trobat molts que m'han fet dubtar fins l'últim dia! Molt content del disseny que m'he endut a casa, encara es veu millor a les mans!
Xavier Cánovas Genovés
Xavier Cánovas Genovés
Bien asesorado con un trato muy profesional y material de alta calidad. El surtido es espectacular con un servicio rapido. Volveré para próximas reformas. Gracias
Ana Vicente
Ana Vicente
Varem anar a la seva botiga del carrer Deu i Mata de Barcelona i tot fantastic, tant l’atencio rebuda de la Nuria i la Montse com del servei, i per descomptat del mosaic hidráulic, doncs vaig fer la comanda i amb 48 horas tenia tota la comanda a casa meva, cal remarcar tambe el suport tecnic que ha tingut el meu col-locador per part de la fabrica que li van ser molt utils per l’instalacio del mosaic , us passo algunes fotos de com ens ha quedat tot. Molt recomanable
laia beumala
laia beumala
Calidad excelente y servicio muy bueno. La verdad que nos ha quedado una cocina y baños muy modernos y exclusivos. Recomiendo totalmente, repetiremos
Teresa Costa
Teresa Costa
Realment estic molt contenta amb el servei ofert i el material. Hem posat el model serradet en dos tons de grisos i blancs i ens encanta. El servei ha estat ràpid i eficient. Ho recomano al 100%.

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